Latest Announcement

"Strengthening of Road Linkways and Construction of RCC Drains in Police Line Campus, Varanasi"

Project Duration

05 Month

Estimated Start Date


Estimated End Date


Overview or Purpose

The project involves several key infrastructural upgrades to improve road safety, drainage, and overall traffic management. First, an RCC deep drain will be constructed along both sides of the road over a length of 1704 meters to prevent waterlogging and protect the road from water damage. On both sides of the road, interlocking tiles will be laid across a 826-meter stretch, providing a solid and safe pathway for pedestrians. A bituminous road, spanning 826 meters, will be built with varying widths of 3.6 meters and 4.4 meters on the Lines Office Road, ensuring smooth and durable driving surfaces. To enhance road visibility and safety, thermoplastic strips will be applied along both sides of the road for a total length of 1652 meters. Finally, 545 road studs or cat-eyes will be installed to improve nighttime visibility, making the road safer for both drivers and pedestrians. These measures aim to improve drainage, road durability, pedestrian safety, and overall traffic flow, contributing to a more efficient and safer roadway system.

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