Application Form For Repair/Reconstruction Permission

Application form for repair/reconstruction permission in private buildings located within 200 meters of the banks of Ganga.

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I am applying for repair/reconstruction, related details/forms/records are presented as follows
(Max file size allow 2 MB, Allow file type pdf,jpg,png)

Building Ownership Records *

Map of existing building *

Key plan and site plan of the building location *

Photographs/Google location of the current location of the building in all available directions (with date marked on it) *

East *

West *

North *

South *

Existing ground cover of the existing building, existing setback, plan section elevation of all floors etc. *

Affidavit of not changing the present use of the building and not disposing of sewerage and drainage directly into river Ganga. *

Affidavit (on Rs 10 stamp paper) Click Here for download

General Specifications *

Application Fee will be calculated during Application Disposal.